15 New Year's Resolutions for 2017

2017 resolutions

Hello and happy (belated) New Year!

I hope you all had a great first week of 2017! Mine was kinda lazy and nothing special I guess. Lots and lots of sleeping haha.

I love New Year's Resolutions and I always come up with some (last year, the year before) but throughout last year I totally forgot about them and last week I looked at them again and found that I failed most of them. I want to try harder this year and actually stick to (most of) them!

This year, I also came up with more than usual because some are more specific than simply "lose weight" or "do sports". I hope that this way it will be easier to stay motivated and work hard. So here they are, my resolutions for 2017:

Read 20 books
Practice drawing every day
Apply for a design study programme
Watch (at least) one film per week
Watch (at least) 5 plays live on stage
Study more!
Get help, fight anxiety, get better
Eat more regularly and healthier
Get back into creative writing
Save 5€ per week
Be more grateful 
Start learning a new language
Travel somewhere new
Apply for an apprenticeship
Stop being such a spoilt child

Do you have resolutions for 2017, too? Or do you think resolutions are stupid?



  1. You have some great and achievable resolutions - good luck achieving them:)

    I don't tend to make resolutions but I am hoping to continue going to the gym regularly and get a placement in summer :) thanks for sharing xxx



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